Duelling & Diablo 3 > Rules & development

Gear Swap and Not accepting challenges.

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Green, when duel is finished, players cant see any messages, even yours.

in both cases you did not respond.

zalesSG#2175    2013-02-27 10:10:03
play ?

Emmett#2681    2013-02-27 02:10:35
Will back saturday

i wouldnt grant him a walkover in the 2nd one.i would be more merciful ;)

It isn´t a realy bad case Mag...coz it´s only a testing and rule developing season.
Now i am informed exactly about this terms, and will answer on every question as soon as possible.
Here again my idea for you.

- Let the people generally ask 3 times on 3 diffrent days. If there is no response, give the Walkover.

In my eyes, that is the most fair thing you can do for all players. If i got to answer "active", the people who want to fight have to ask "active" either. Asking once, just isn´t enough to get a win over a descent player.
Look @ my actual "Awaiting Challenges". I´ve asked 3 of them allready 2 times, and one of them 3 times. I ask tomorrow again, if there will be no answer <---- Walkover "OK".

2 or 3 times in different days is ok for me. i'll put it on rule dev forum

Make it "3" Mag.

Let´s start a firework for a new Rule being born! Yeaha  ;D

Here is a great idea on how to manage gear swapping if it is to be banned. If one player suspects another of gearswapping here is how to prevent it:

1) Both players enter into the dueling arena and if they cannot agree to no item swapping ask a moderator to join.
2) A moderator joins the game with an inventory of 29 junk items (2 slots each) and 1 junk ring/belt/amulet (1 slot). Then the moderator asks each of the players to pick up all 30 items resulting in occupying 59 slots (leaving one for potions).
3) If a player cannot pick up all the items, they will be asked to dump excess items into their storage and try again. When a player has shown they can pick up all the items, they drop them again.
4) Once both players pass this test, one can be sure both players have a fully empty inventory (with potion allowed).
5) This test can be repeated between duels if either player exits the arena.

While this is time-consuming, it is a 100% effective way to prevent gear swapping.


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