I don't know which was your method for developing these rules, but there are some big problems here.
Banning Zombie Dogs versus DH might be already too big of a nerf... Add the fact that we have to choose between SV and SW, and between horrify and hex, and there's nothing to do about it. Seriously, I appreciate what you do, but I think you guys haven't put too much thought into these particular rules. I might have a chance going full tank, but you'll force other WDs in the league to regear completely, something you stated it was "against your ideas."
You are balancing duels so an average-low DH can kill a top WD. With these rules, any DH with sharpshooter and good use of mouse and environment will be able to 1shot WDs so fast you guys won't have enough time to modify rules XD. Listen to Mystical if you don't listen to me.
Besides, do not forget that spirit vessel is not only 2nd life, it's also a 15% reduction of the spirit walk, horrify, etc. cool downs. These skills are core to WD, the whole mechanics of the class are broken without them. It's like banning SS for DHs. I agree that some adjustments had to be made for the sake of the league, but I don't know.. I think this will nerf to the ground 99% of the WDs. We'll see in the test league.
I know a bit about WD, and our skill choices are very very limited. We have some amazing skills but most of the rest are complete crap, at least when you compare them to DHs or Barbs.
WD vs Monk. Some balance was definitely needed, but this is too much. The problem is: you haven't listened to our feedback thoroughly. You didn't consider banning Haunt versus Monks? Atm any skilled monk using a 2hander or sick 1h dps will kill WDs so easily. Most WDs relied on the use of spirit walk and then spirit vessel to beat Monks. Without the second one it will be a 1shot fest. Time will prove me right
