For those of u that remember me... sup and its good to see (especially old Euro-PvP members) that legit dueling lives on.
for those of u that dont... hi
Its been a while.
Id like to play a bit of D3 but really dont have the time to put the hours in, like i was able to in D2!
I still got about 4k fg on D2jsp, is there a way to trade up a load of items and just train or is D3 100% about hardcore man hours and 'farming'?
Whats dueling like in D3 vs D2? Good/bad?
and has it been hacked to death yet with bots/dupes/MH/etc? lol
I dont have RoS yet so just want a heads up before wasting some money ^^
so sad that diablo 2 is dead
was really fun times.
Thanks guys