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Messages - DaRkE

Pages: [1] 2 3
Off topic / greetings, some casual pvp, d2r release team and hello
« on: September 04, 2021, 09:19:04 am  »
hello dad gamers, hope everyone had a nice decade  :o

 anyone interessed going on release?

News / Awards and cooperation with loothunter
« on: May 25, 2013, 00:12:54 am  »
Comments towards awards and cooperation with loothunter.


Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: April 24, 2013, 19:09:32 pm  »

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: April 13, 2013, 21:59:56 pm  »
And I Ninja Copy my american monk level 1 to ptr :-)

shoot ^_^

Off topic / Re: Our Music
« on: April 01, 2013, 13:41:09 pm  »

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: March 24, 2013, 06:24:31 am  »

Please take a look a the current video's and the text description related to them:


I think you will find more efficient ways to play versus monk, haunt is definitively not required and it does not support fair chances to reach 5 points first for the monk.

They should be non existing.
To walk you trough the process
1 crit  haunt will kill the monk.
The monk has to charge the witch doctor
The witchdoctor will presumable spirit walk( wich last for 5 seconds ), and haunt is already applied to the monk.
The monk must use serenity,  last for 4 seconds.
He must then charge for the witch doctor again, and hit with 1 crit bell (2-3 )non crit bells to force the wd's sv.
Then the witch doctor has sv again and you must again follow him and crit the last bell.

Offcourse it is not valid to list a duel procedude like that, but it surrounds the duel mechanics in discussion.

I have played quite alot as witch doctor versus monk, and also as monk versus witch doctor.

I have open discussion with viri about monk since ptr.

I can assure you that the rules are not to favor or increase the chances above reasonable for any class!
They are to improve and euqlize the chances for each class , given the correct gameplay  a fair chance to reach 5 points, to support the player giving best perfomance to come out as champion.

I understand your caution when we decide to leave haunt and that it must be very frustrating for you to loose verus a monk with a gear-set that is of significant lesser quality than your own.

With dedication and practice I am positive you will find better ways to  conduct  this match.

I wish you the best of luck and thank you for taking part in the rules discussion.

MysticaL show a great example of how to leave constructive and valid feedback.

This is a proper way to confirm opinions and theories, and contribute to the quality of the duels in league.

I hope more people will follow his example, wich of video in particular is not needed but the information and structure of the post.

Thank you.

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: March 23, 2013, 23:54:52 pm  »
if your going to ban haunt in wd vs monk you might as well ban haunt/rend from the league.

skills that are undodgeable don't make sense in the first place as the dexterity stat is essentially useless against it.

I like to stack dex as a barb. should you ban haunt vs barbs too then?

Valid reasoning, I don't completely understand what you are pointing out to be honest.

Maybe you have some calculations and videos to better explain your point in the discussion?

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: March 23, 2013, 20:54:45 pm  »
Haunt is basically like a ranged rend and leave the monk at low chances to reach 5 points ahead of the witchdoctor.

Withch doctor still has several kit's that can be used as a better damage output than haunt but it will not be so simple and straightforward to use, aswell as impossible to avoid

Tbone do you allready use WC and TS, if yes it leaves you short of one spell of mobility in your choice.

IF you only do use WC; TS will apply similar mitigation aswell as slow and the same regeneration, the difference being that you must be aware and able to apply it to ur opponent.

As for items / skills , in my opinion the most important thing is clever and strategic builds versus every oppononent becuase stats should leave you at a minor increase compared to what every player should be able to acquire over some time.

And i think perfect billion dollah gear, leaves you small advantages versus a ' Good gear set' that any a smart and dedicated player will in the end round up towards.


Off topic / Funny pic's
« on: March 23, 2013, 20:48:33 pm  »

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.26 [Open Discussion]
« on: March 23, 2013, 13:27:02 pm  »
In duels versus the ''Monk'' the skill Haunt is banned.


After extensive test procedure including several players of good quality at each class, we concluded that haunt does not extend  a fair and good reasonable duel.
The chances of monk to reach 5 rounds first are not remotely close to what d3cl are aiming for as fair competitive duels.

Quote from: Blud

I was a bit reticent to be honest, but after testing a lot these days, it seems to balance the matchup quite a lot. Besides, it brings many other things into play, such as positioning, resource managente or cool-down management, whereas before it was more of a DPS stack and 1shot haunt duel.

If in the near future, due to whatever reason, this rule seems to be outdated, we can always come back to it.

I underline and confirm Blud's wonderful summary.

It basically make the duel more joyfull and intense for both classes.

I encourage everyone to help assist develop the rules!

Test the matches were you foresee complications.

Rules & development / Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: March 22, 2013, 23:14:47 pm  »
General Rules:
By entering any competition in D3CL you agree to follow theese rules.
Patch 1.07A. Ruleversion 1.26

-   The legit pvp rules are: Fair play and good manners.
-   Before each match please perform the legit test procedure The test procedure can be found here.
 The legit test procedure' is impelented to assure players protection against breaking the rules, such as gear swapping, macros  or banned spell.
-   Duels are held in “Inferno” modus.
-   Duels are played with best of 9.
-   Maximum duel time is 45 minutes starting from the first ‘go’ from both sides.
-   The small island inside the scorched chapel area is forbidden ground. Actively using this island will result in loss of rounds and/or the complete match.
-   You cannot enter town or leave the game during a round, if that happens the person who enters town or leaves the game looses the round.
-   If a player wish to change Equipment between rounds he has to announce it to the other player. Both players will then travel to town and once more agree on Equipment for the duel. If nothing is said to be changed a travel to town, or a new agreement about equipment is not necessary.
-   We expect the duels to be active combat. Repeatingly avoiding the duel will result in a loss.
-   Vanishing Dye is not allowed.
-   Round(s) resulting in a draw count as +1 round for both sides. (f.e. 2-3 become 3-4). If draws put you past 9 rounds you continue until there is a winner (it will count as 5-4 win).
-   The winner of the duel must stay in screen from opponent once won.
-   You must play your duels using the character you signed up with for the League or Tournament.

One Vs One:


-   The Barbarian cannot use the skill “Wrath of the Berserker” versus the Monk, Wizard  and the Witch-Doctor.
-   In duels versus the “Demon Hunter” and the “Wizard” the skill “War cry” is not allowed to be used.
-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the Barbarian can choose one, but not more of the following skills: “Ground Stomp”, “Leap” with rune “Death from Above”, “Charge” with rune “Bull Rush”, “Bash” with rune “Clobber” or “Weapon Throw” with rune “Throwing Hammer”.

Demon Hunter

-   The Demon Hunter is not allowed to play the “bunker – style”. This style is defined by laying “Turrets and/or “Spike             Traps” and not coming out from the range of these traps.
-   In duels versus the “Monk” the skill “Impale” with rune “Chemical Burn” is not allowed.
-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Companion” is not allowed.
-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Preparation” with rune “Battle Scars” is not allowed.


-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Cyclone Strike” is not allowed.
-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the rune “Flying Side Kick” from the skill “Dashing Strike” is not allowed.

Witch Doctor

-   In duels versus the “Demon Hunter” the skill Haunt is only allowed if the rune "Relentless Spirit" is used. (2sec Haunt)
-   In duels versus the “Demon Hunter” can use only one of the skills "Summon Zombie Dogs" and "Gargantuan".
-   In duels versus the “Barbarian” the skill “Hex” is not allowed.
-   In duels versus the ''Monk'' the skill Haunt is banned.
-   In duels versus the “Wizard” can use only one of the skills “Hex”, "Horrify” and "Mass Confusion".
-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill Haunt is only allowed if the rune "Relentless Spirit" is used. (2sec Haunt)
-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the Witch Doctor is not allowed to use  “Summon Zombie Dogs” and “Gargantuan” unless he also uses the skill "Sacrifice" and the item "Homunculus".

Mirror Matches:

- Class specefic rules do not apply here!

Two Vs Two

- Class specefic rules do not apply here!
- You are not allowed to team up with an equivalent class.


- Any minor rule break result in one lost round, and +1 to the enemy. A mineor rulebreak is something that can be understood as a human mistake. Like sorry I forgot my runesetup after confirming the setup.
- If a player is caught cheating it result in a automatic loss of the complete match.
- More two or three judges will always look at submitted complications and decide on further penalties that may result in :
- Disqualification of team/player from tournament/league
- Disqualification of player in team from tournament/league

League information / League rules 1.26
« on: March 22, 2013, 23:01:24 pm  »
General Rules:
By entering any competition in D3CL you agree to follow theese rules.
Patch 1.07A. Ruleversion 1.26

-   The legit pvp rules are: Fair play and good manners.
-   Before each match please perform the legit test procedure The test procedure can be found here.
 The legit test procedure' is impelented to assure players protection against breaking the rules, such as gear swapping, macros  or banned spell.
-   Duels are held in “Inferno” modus.
-   Duels are played with best of 9.
-   Maximum duel time is 45 minutes starting from the first ‘go’ from both sides.
-   The small island inside the scorched chapel area is forbidden ground. Actively using this island will result in loss of rounds and/or the complete match.
-   You cannot enter town or leave the game during a round, if that happens the person who enters town or leaves the game looses the round.
-   If a player wish to change Equipment between rounds he has to announce it to the other player. Both players will then travel to town and once more agree on Equipment for the duel. If nothing is said to be changed a travel to town, or a new agreement about equipment is not necessary.
-   We expect the duels to be active combat. Repeatingly avoiding the duel will result in a loss.
-   Vanishing Dye is not allowed.
-   Round(s) resulting in a draw count as +1 round for both sides. (f.e. 2-3 become 3-4). If draws put you past 9 rounds you continue until there is a winner (it will count as 5-4 win).
-   The winner of the duel must stay in screen from opponent once won.
-   You must play your duels using the character you signed up with for the League or Tournament.

One Vs One:


-   The Barbarian cannot use the skill “Wrath of the Berserker” versus the Monk, Wizard  and the Witch-Doctor.[/color]
-   In duels versus the “Demon Hunter” and the “Wizard” the skill “War cry” is not allowed to be used.
-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the Barbarian can choose one, but not more of the following skills: “Ground Stomp”, “Leap” with rune “Death from Above”, “Charge” with rune “Bull Rush”, “Bash” with rune “Clobber” or “Weapon Throw” with rune “Throwing Hammer”.

Demon Hunter

-   The Demon Hunter is not allowed to play the “bunker – style”. This style is defined by laying “Turrets and/or “Spike             Traps” and not coming out from the range of these traps.
-   In duels versus the “Monk” the skill “Impale” with rune “Chemical Burn” is not allowed.
-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Companion” is not allowed.
-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Preparation” with rune “Battle Scars” is not allowed.


-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Cyclone Strike” is not allowed.
-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the rune “Flying Side Kick” from the skill “Dashing Strike” is not allowed.

Witch Doctor

-   In duels versus the “Demon Hunter” the skill Haunt is only allowed if the rune "Relentless Spirit" is used. (2sec Haunt)
-   In duels versus the “Demon Hunter” can use only one of the skills "Summon Zombie Dogs" and "Gargantuan".
-   In duels versus the “Barbarian” the skill “Hex” is not allowed.
-   In duels versus the ''Monk'' the skill Haunt is banned.
-   In duels versus the “Wizard” can use only one of the skills “Hex”, "Horrify” and "Mass Confusion".
-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill Haunt is only allowed if the rune "Relentless Spirit" is used. (2sec Haunt)
-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the Witch Doctor is not allowed to use  “Summon Zombie Dogs” and “Gargantuan” unless he also uses the skill "Sacrifice" and the item "Homunculus".

Mirror Matches:

- Class specefic rules do not apply here!

Two Vs Two

- Class specefic rules do not apply here!
- You are not allowed to team up with an equivalent class.


- Any minor rule break result in one lost round, and +1 to the enemy. A mineor rulebreak is something that can be understood as a human mistake. Like sorry I forgot my runesetup after confirming the setup.
- If a player is caught cheating it result in a automatic loss of the complete match.
- More two or three judges will always look at submitted complications and decide on further penalties that may result in :
- Disqualification of team/player from tournament/league
- Disqualification of player in team from tournament/league

League information / The Legit Test Procedure
« on: March 22, 2013, 23:01:09 pm  »

*If a player writes "okay" and his opponent then changes his equipment and write "okay" himself this is regarded as abuse of the rule system, and if it cannot be solved between the two players a judge need to be contacted.
*If a player is caught with a different health pool during the duel than he had when he agreed to start the duel that player will considered to have swapped Equipment and will be instantly banned from the league.
*If a player is caught with another setup of items during the duel than he had when he agreed to start the duel that player will be considered to have swapped Equipment and will be instantly banned from the league.
*Players are free to have whatever they want in their inventory as long as they do not use it during the duel.


Eeach player apporach Nek and inspect eachother, and confirm eachothers setup by typing 'OK' in the chat window.
After each player wrote 'OK' neither player neither player are allowed to change skills or items.

If there is any complication to complete Step 1 please contact [JUDGES]

Player one :

Player two :


Both players enter The Scorched Chapel  in positions 'Top' and 'Bot' to perform the legit procedure for the second time.

Player 1:

Player 2:


Both player initiate the duel by fist moving out of sight in the direction of indicated arrows and then type  go in the chat window.


To complete the legit test procedure, upon each victory proceed to the fallen's corpse immidiatly and claim his honor by placing your flag:

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.5
« on: March 21, 2013, 12:38:37 pm  »
IMP-Exec is spot on and definitivly a correct understanding about how the process overvveiw looks.
I encourage all to read his post a second time.

As he specify it will take time and there are still development by players aswell as blizzard.

In Diablo 2 it took several season's and in the end for a stable patch before pvp in synergy with the rules became really well and joyfull competative pvp.

I think it is very imporant for everyone to understand as he points out that we balance the rules around the current metagame and knowledge we do have about the game.

Aswell as in some situatuation one choice is made above another that might favor one class, but it will not decide the outcome of the match.

Here is a demonstration of a monk with really high mitigation and almosted maxxed out % elite and ranged reduction.

-The Monk's  armor, resist and reduced elite % damage is beyond what a gear set supports to give you the damage you need to actually kill the demonhunter.

-The demonhunter is in Full legacy set, with 72 k HP and approx 400 resi.

-Demonstratee how much the monk in the current 'tank' setup does versus dh , when the dh afk and take the 7ss head on.

-Demonstrate the aim angle impale requires, that is to be compared with how impale is aimed and how haunt is aimed( I will post WD video shortly)

It demonstates the damage of a both a hit and the burn effect there after.

The damageoutput demonhunter can perform on a monk, even with legacy set is the reason the topic chemical burn is up for discussion.

It shoud be fairly simple for the dh to hit monk a few times without getting struck by 7ss.

The gameplay for monk relies to predict were the demonhunter is going to exit smokescreen and precast you r 7ss at that position so that you are allready in animation when she leave the 0.5 second gap between ss.

Here is a demonstration of the same monk, with increadible mitigation and almost maxxed out % elite and reduction.

- The monk's armor and resist and reduced elite % dmg is beyond what a gear set supports to give you the damage you need to actually kill the wd.
- The wd just use some intelegence gear I had from before on wizard, and alot of it is based upon attack speed and does not support really well haunt damage.
-Demonstrate the aim angle of haunt compared to impale.
-It demonstrates the damage of one critical hit with haunt.
-Note that a balanced monk with damage to support an actuall kill will die out of 1 haunt. The cooldown on all monk's and witch doctors abilities are all in favor of wd so you cannot win by manage the cooldowns.
Aswell as you must have serenity ready in the 3 following situation
Haunt Crit
Wich the cooldown of serenity does not support.

I really do hope this explain a little bit of the situation to the community, why there are currently considerations of banning Haunt and Impale.

/Hug and thank you all again for taking such an interess to help develop and share your experience in the matchups so far.

Rules & development / Re: Monk vs DH balance
« on: March 21, 2013, 04:26:47 am  »

Here is a demonstration of a monk with really high mitigation and almosted maxxed out % elite and ranged reduction.

-The Monk's  armor, resist and reduced elite % damage is beyond what a gear set supports to give you the damage you need to actually kill the demonhunter.

-The demonhunter is in Full legacy set, with 72 k HP and approx 400 resi.

-Demonstratee how much the monk in the current 'tank' setup does versus dh , when the dh afk and take the 7ss head on.

-Demonstrate the aim angle impale requires, that is to be compared with how impale is aimed and how haunt is aimed( I will post WD video shortly)

It demonstates the damage of a both a hit and the burn effect there after.

The damageoutput demonhunter can perform on a monk, even with legacy set is the reason the topic chemical burn is up for discussion.

It shoud be fairly simple for the dh to hit monk a few times without getting struck by 7ss.

The gameplay for monk relies to predict were the demonhunter is going to exit smokescreen and precast you r 7ss at that position so that you are allready in animation when she leave the 0.5 second gap between ss.

Pages: [1] 2 3

BlackRain , 2006 by Crip
Diablo 3 PvP, Diablo 3 PvP

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