As long as we dont build our community around prize pools. I´ve competed in different sports and even pinball (xD) and this has been a discussion almost everywhere. I stand on the no side even though i see occasional and well organized tours with high prizes as something cool. The core need to be built around competition and the will to be high up the rankings, not to get rich. As long as we understand eachother here everything is fine by me.
A Tournament with prizes if we hold one must be well organized, we should do good PR, we should give prizes to final 8 of bracket and 100 mil joker prize to one random player and we _d3cl_ should provide the gold, not the players through entry fee´s. You dont start off well PR wise by letting your not yet existent player base pay for the tournament. Should be crystal clear for everyone. WE pay, or no prize. We should be able to gather at least 500 mil, possibly even 1b.
I agree with mannercookie that tournaments should be the core, not leagues. Thats a complete ego statement for me simply because thats how I like to play. I know tournaments have to be organized through a director and I also know I dont want to be that director so I can only say that I wish to see tournaments

I also agree that the first and foremost thing is to get the ball rolling, and we have done that with our league. That the US players dont join it is not our fault, this is a EU community first and US part is like what? 30 days old compared to 13 years of EU? Have patience.
Mannercookie - we NEED a lobby system you´re right. And hopefully we´re getting it in 1.08. So far they posted that the channels will be for friends only but lets cross our fingers and hope they pull out a bit of their control and let us move freely. As I see it Blizz is starting to adress these things so its a matter of when now, not if.
That said - the lobby is great to meet people, but the rankings and stats input need to be on an external site - this site. Our site is not 1999, its very up to date - unfortunatly Battle net is the worst social experience ever to be seen in online gaming so its very hard to meet unless you already know eachother. That puts a sort of pressure on this site that cannot be dealt with because its a problem of battlenet (that they hopefully solve soon). Again - Lobby is great and lets cross our fingers that we can at least come up with some sort of solution for it for next patch.
Just a last quick comment from me - I do NOT believe that we are too old to gather for a tournament. Quite the opposite actually. I dont have time to join in a running league and play a match here, a match there. I plan my time and if I know that there is a sunday tournament this week and a saturday tour next week I can plan ahead and say "im gonna join the saturday tour next week and skip this one cause I have X to do this sunday". Tournaments IS THE SHIT AND YOU NEED TO REALIZE IT

love and kisses and dont hate on us mannercookie.