Duelling & Diablo 3 > General discussion


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--- Quote from: rSt on April 11, 2012, 17:11:00 pm ---Oh, that's why your name was so familiar, mi first wow char was on frostmane :)

--- End quote ---

Superstate was only an alt at the time but yes..  :)

It really looks impressive. Thank you for posting it.
I will check the content out later in detail :)

Thank you for sharing your work. Its nice to see such a huge in depth TC right now.
There is one thing, i havent seen youve mentioned so far. What about DoT´s like rend. Do they scale with IAS like they do with haste in WoW ? Have you noticed any math so far regarding DoT´s ?


--- Quote from: GuN on April 12, 2012, 09:40:08 am ---Thank you for sharing your work. Its nice to see such a huge in depth TC right now.
There is one thing, i havent seen youve mentioned so far. What about DoT´s like rend. Do they scale with IAS like they do with haste in WoW ? Have you noticed any math so far regarding DoT´s ?

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There aren't that many dots around really, as a consequence not a lot of math has been done on the particular subject of IAS effects combined with dots (at least not for Barbarians, where Rend is our only dot). The channeled spells might appear equal to dots, however they work fundamentally very different, where we know channeled spells have cycles which are directly effected by weapon speed, and thus IAS effects.

The easiest way to test this isn't to test Rend, it would probably be to test Haunt since it has a much longer duration, a time reduction via increased IAS would be much more noticable if IAS effects works. I'm pretty certain that if somebody has worked out the kinks of dot mechanics, it is very likely an aspiring witch doctor.

So no, I haven't actually tested it and it had slipped my mind. Do I believe IAS quickens the dot pace? No, but rather be certain about it. I'll look into this first thing tomorrow.

Version 4.6!

* Item values added on the Equipped page! It uses an internal SEP and AEP (Armor) check using the lowest unit of each stat to roll all offensive and defensive stats of an item into offensive and defensive sums. Check picture below.
* Dodge now diminishes correctly with Dexterity (until release at least..)
* Tough as Nails and War Cry are presumed to stack additively rather than multiplicatively, ie the armor multiplier becomes 1+0,25+0,2 rather than 1,25*1,2. This slightly lowers the overall value of using both at the same time.


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