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Messages - N0F3aR

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 9
I was the organizator of this tournament time ago ( the old year) and every time the drafts were random. I will inspect the guy who organize VC tournament now and will fix the problem.

Mr Mag, you are not correct, when i host VC tournament - if i make good promotion - i have 16 players in 1 day signed and all of them are top players. You need to atract players, but with the current rules and no clear information about prize ... hm... good players may not join.

News / Re: Challenge rules on D3CL
« on: September 30, 2013, 12:52:52 pm  »
Can i request for a judge about my match vs Mazarini?

Rules & development / Re: Rules proposal for the 4th season - open discussion
« on: September 30, 2013, 12:42:24 pm  »
Seriosly, some answers?

Rules & development / Re: Rules proposal for the 4th season - open discussion
« on: September 28, 2013, 14:12:27 pm  »
1 question - when season is about to finish and what is the prize pool. And again - go promote the season and change some rules ( especially wd vs barb ) to no rules or "Barb is not allowed to use WotB and rune Marathon of sprint, WD cant use hex and fear"
And some time restriction for barb vs tr monk - like 10 sec engage time.

Rules & development / Re: Rules proposal for the 4th season - open discussion
« on: September 24, 2013, 22:51:27 pm  »
Blizzard - reduce dmg of rapid fire and increase dmg of impale. Vs DH like GTXit i can engage only with ignor pain, other side im dead in 2 sec even with 200k life + 31% elite dmg reduce.

Rules & development / Re: Rules proposal for the 4th season - open discussion
« on: September 24, 2013, 16:53:39 pm  »
Did you understand me ? Monk is hitting 1 time then run 2 mins. Is that fight ok? Lets do something

Rules & development / Re: Rules proposal for the 4th season - open discussion
« on: September 24, 2013, 13:15:24 pm  »
Mr Mag :
There is one very big problem Barb vs Monk : TR monks. This can be 3 hours fight and if i want to not be like this, i have to go more dmg and less ehp and that leads to like easy kills for monks. WHY ? Let me tell what monks are doing : Taking Spirit regen and non stop abusing TR - hoping for crit with bell and then running. If they take crit rend - serenity and then run until serenity is over. THe last match with Mazarini for d3cl he was running without fighting like 2-3 mins per round several times in that round.And cuz i didnt want to lose such time i went more offensive and i lost. I can easily counter TR stalemate build - ill take high ehp + 2 defansive skills and abusing sprint and Monk wont kill me. So - find a solution about that. Variants :
1. Monk and Barb have to engage each other every 10 sec.
2. Some TR restrictions.
3. Since no wotb, we may play and no TR.

News / Re: The third D3CL season final PvP rules
« on: September 22, 2013, 14:10:22 pm  »
Well about VC rules - they are just not updated. Same lvl monk vs wd monk > wd if wd has to choose btw firebats and hex. Also see last tournaments i've hosted - i made specific rules and definetly is WD vs MONK - no rules.

I just played vs Bleed : WIth the current rules no wd in the world can beat me. NO hex and no firebats is just ... :D. MR Mag -update the rules to this :
WD vs Barbs - WD cannot use Hex and Horrify. Barb cannot use WotB and can use Sprint with all runes except Marathon. Bleed had 0 chance and for 5 rounds i used ignor pain only 3 times.

News / Re: The third D3CL season final PvP rules
« on: September 22, 2013, 13:13:06 pm  »
May i ask you 1 question ? Why you just refuse to trust me ? WD vs Monk - hex or firebats ? This favors monk like 70-80% . No rules in this match up.
And also WD vs Wizard - banning only firebats doesnt resolve the problem. Ban also Blood ritual + Haunt. Now wizard has a chance.

Community information and announcements / Re: High Level League start delayed
« on: September 21, 2013, 20:31:29 pm  »
Is going to start now?

Rules & development / Re: Rules proposal for the 3rd season - open discussion
« on: September 20, 2013, 14:20:41 pm  »
My apologize, but as organizator of many tournaments and top PvP player i can say the rules so far are not accetable. I can say you something that should be like 100 % on, especially regarding WD:
WD vs Monk - all allowed - ive tested variants here  and only 1 works properly : NO RULES btw WD and Monk !!! I've tested that with the best players and i can asure you the best mode here is : ALL ALLOWED !
WD vs DH - dh really can play vs WD i can asure you that since i saw how dh beat top wd. IM under discussion that rules since i saw what DH can do against WD without firebats ( check previous VC tournament - the final btw GTXi and Raisling). Perhaps passive Blood ritual wont be allowed.
WD vs Wizard - I say that - No Firebats, No Blood ritual, No Haunt. Now wizard can engage WD and the same time WD still has skills to defeat Wizard.
WD vs Barb - Variant 1 - All allowed. Here a litle advantage of WD. Variant 2 - hex or firebats - well here depends on the player's skill lvl. Variant 3 under discussion : No Hex, No skill fear, no WotB, sprint can be used without rune Marathon cuz other way barb runs as much as he wants.
Barb vs Wizard - no WotB
Barb vs Monk - here fight may go 5 hours if Monk uses TR + healt potion globe bonus + spirit generation build. Really we have to pay attention here cuz if barb goes more offensive he may be 2 shooted by bell and no clever barb will risk that. Same time barb goes a bit tanky to survive the gc but has no enough dps to take down monk fast. Problem here is that TR gives better MS even if barb uses Marathon + 24 % MS. + skills like charge and leap are really not very effective ( dodge, walls, trees, not enough range. I can give 1 proposal here : No TR and the same time No Wotb. Now dont say "MONKS cant chase now" - they can with their blink ability that gives them even 1 sec root to the enemy. Still this has to be tested.

And guys, make promotion of the league - tell the players about the new season  and the prize pool system.

Rules & development / Re: Rules proposal for the 3rd season - open discussion
« on: September 20, 2013, 12:49:36 pm  »
Wich rules, Mr Mag?

Rules & development / Re: Rules proposal for the 3rd season - open discussion
« on: September 18, 2013, 20:12:58 pm  »
Valentine, you had to watch GTXi vs Raisling on the final.

Rules & development / Re: Rules proposal for the 3rd season - open discussion
« on: September 18, 2013, 08:55:58 am  »
Guys, there is a difference in the skill balance - depends on the players's pvp level. When best players are fighting - well i can say that skill balance is almost not nesecary - perhaps really litle changes. When there is difference btw the PvP level of the players - well then skill balance is nesecary. I can say that i've played agianst best EU players and the skill balance that is needed is really really small. Like 1 rune or skill are ok.

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BlackRain , 2006 by Crip
Diablo 3 PvP, Diablo 3 PvP

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