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Messages - Leraye

Pages: [1]
Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.5
« on: March 16, 2013, 02:24:48 am  »
thoes rules are the most idiotic thing that have happend to pvp rules ever. you are banning everyone exept a wizzard that is a very good character that lose only a bit because dh's got preparation vs his unstable anomaly, barbs can tank their horrible storm armor dmg, wd's got minions to dodge his killing attacks. with this changes you have just buffed kaio hard. he will lose with dh's that will 2shot him.

oh and btw you made monk immortal vs a dh. chemical burn is the only skill that does some dmg to that guy. every other attack can be easly dodge with 3300 dex and a bit of mantra. monks can oneshot dh's if they are not in ss mode.

having that in mind happy duels with the new rules.

Another no sense post with nothing useful to be read by sm1 that ofc not have read rules on posting

U are the prototype of the weaknesses of the democracy

you really are so petty that you try these cheap talk tricks to downgrade me? kaio you are the most arogant asshole person i have met during over 60 duels in this league. you can smile on these changes because if wizz wont be restricted in anyway, then the league for wizzards will be like the water for fish. too bad every other class trying to duel a wizzard would look like an insane person jumping into the fire.

anyway you lost 5:4, so I wont say that you were outclassed in any way. your wizzard has sic gear and you just got beaten up, by a person you were offending all the time, thats all. people like you who think they are somehow above the rest curse on democracy but the reality is that without it you would crawl somewhere in the bottom.

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.5
« on: March 15, 2013, 18:22:46 pm  »
thoes rules are the most idiotic thing that have happend to pvp rules ever. you are banning everyone exept a wizzard that is a very good character that lose only a bit because dh's got preparation vs his unstable anomaly, barbs can tank their horrible storm armor dmg, wd's got minions to dodge his killing attacks. with this changes you have just buffed kaio hard. he will lose with dh's that will 2shot him.

oh and btw you made monk immortal vs a dh. chemical burn is the only skill that does some dmg to that guy. every other attack can be easly dodge with 3300 dex and a bit of mantra. monks can oneshot dh's if they are not in ss mode.

having that in mind happy duels with the new rules.

Okay, that seems okay what vill said. The truth is what he said about the score, but I didnt liked the way he responded to me during the duel and I was having some massive lags. Every time he was close to me I had a warp and after it ended I was dead. That gived me an idea that he might use some sort of ddos programs to win that match. Fortunantley the way he said that he doesnt care about the result makes me shure that my problems were just some major internet issues and he is fine. Sorry for that whole conspiracy but I dont like poeple who try to cheat or are in any way arogant. I quit the league anyway for this season so its no problem for me, but still fixing the duels with green/aethis/lovercrafthp is a matter of credibility so I hope you will do something with it. Sorry again vill for all these problems, its my bad that I though wrong about you and admins sorry for taking your time. Im very determined  when it comes to social relations and its hard to let go things that others think they will go away with.

5:3 for me..

No one have screenshots of that battle due to that I request the duel to take place again with a judge. The issue here is that I left the game instead of just logout to menu (missclicked) and the scores of who won that battle were deleted. On the site I saw that our scores didnt match so I cancelled it back and in my first free time wanted to write down about this issue on the forum. Unfortunantley vill did the same thing. So If you want your scores to be valuable I prefer you to repeat the duel. Also why any my further issues with green/lovercraft and aethiss arent solved? You act very fast with this one with no prove and when I gave you the screenshots none of these guys arent my "win" on the league. Because of this issues and bit less free time I quit the league but I dont want that to just stay still, I hope you will fix thoes scores soon.

why did you write 5:3 to him wtf is going on in this league?

« on: March 04, 2013, 22:05:19 pm  »
thx man, sorry that i made a deal out of that but i wanted to get in top 50 with my dh

« on: March 04, 2013, 21:02:13 pm  »
I have submitted a wrong score:

leraye#2270   vs      GREEN#2172    2013-03-04   4:5

and GREEN#2172 has done it aswell, thats not fair play, because he lost. Here are the screenshots of scores from that fight:


Judge board / lovercrafthp#1924 runaway from a duel
« on: February 26, 2013, 20:12:09 pm  »
I havent managed to classify all the screenshots but the last and most important are. From the rest you can see that lovecrafthp won 2 times and lost 2 times, there is 1 time that I killed him before he said go and that doesnt count. Just like aethiss monk I guess lovecrafthp didnt want to loose his ranking thats why he left the game. Fortunantley people that leave the game during the duel are banned from the league.

That witch doctor couldnt understand why Im the only Demon Hunter that can heal himself 2 times, not only 1, like most of them. Well I am using extended life pots affix on items that allows me to do that. And its no witchcraft or cheating like lovecraft said. Anyway Im not going to give up like that because some child have assumed Im cheating. Remove that coward from the league.

Judge board / Re: aethiss#2441 runaway from duel after he started to lose
« on: February 22, 2013, 02:57:56 am  »
I wasnt using that to range kill him. Im a tank dh. The only reason for me to go there is because he was playing lame. Hit everything he had and trying to oneshot me running after all over the map using blind spots, so I cant see him or shoot. After the time I found him he was no cd on serenity and full with spirit. Running was dangerous for me because you know, monks when lucky get a name lock on dashing strike and they most likely have an advantage that ends with a lucky 1s root and a 1shot kill. So if you understand that I will now describe that when he was hitting me I was dropping hp low and he wasy dying very fast. When the situation didnt look well for him (no bells, no spirit, no serenity, no passive) he started to run. I killed him because that spot is the only spot no walls will help a meele. Thats much about it man. I hate when one person starts to talk about advantages of other classes or spots in the arena when he didnt even considered any options. Please dont think so shallow, think of more than one option. Thats the differance between the real players (that dont play a lot and still have skills) and casuals (who play more than they say and cant achieve nothing).

Judge board / Re: aethiss#2441 runaway from duel after he started to lose
« on: February 22, 2013, 00:50:49 am  »
Yeah shure and sorry if I posted in the wrong forum or so on, It wasnt very clear for me. I just read that any issue can be posted on form so you guys will handle it quick. I havent been looking around the page to find the right place, just gone the easiest way.

Judge board / aethiss#2441 runaway from duel after he started to lose
« on: February 22, 2013, 00:23:30 am  »
I have been dueling aethiss monk and at first he won like 2 times to 0, but when I have changed build I won by going over the bridge so he could not escape me behind a wall like most of the players do. The distance to the nearest is enought for me to finish an escaping monk. In a fourth round I was waiting for him at my save spot. He knew that if he will go down for me he will lose and I knew that if I will go near him I will be wasting shots on walls. We all watched Moldrans fights and they were all, what we call them? Lame. Every single player I lost to was playing lame. So beside that moral dilemma seeing how aethiss leaves the game turns me into a winner. He knew I will win, I knew he stands no chance. Correct the score 5-2 or kick that guy out of the duelling community. I didnt run away when I first dueled keen (my first pvp duel, I knew before he won PTR) and then met rogh (first tank barb i dueled), thoes were new situations that my gear couldn't fit so I lost to better geared players but not runned away like a sissy.

Pages: [1]

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