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Messages - KNHO

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that rule with turret is not new. why this is a problem now?

I think not everybody understands it as it is right now. Just make it more understandable like i said.
- The Demonhunter is not allowed to use "Aid station" and "Guardian turret".
Because for using those 2...you need to camp inside them. Otherwise they don´t make sense. <--- Camping = Rule breaking. I would say, lets rework the rules a little bit, because Nofear found some mistakes in WD vs Barb too.
Then we also can look on what salty said about Wizz vs Rest..
A update of the rules is ok, because we are in good development right now.
Someday they will be great to play for the most players, ofc only if they now what they do.
It doesn´t make sense to run a season till the end with mistaked rules.

We never would favour our classes. The whole thing about this, is to get a balance for all, and more fun.
All things that we say, are based on playing vs the best of each classes.
We got support from VC, and another very good players to create rules. So this wouldn´t be a problem at all.

The biggest Problem right now is the very low player number...
5-6!! Active players @ the moment! There must be any kind of promotion! And maybe a intresting prizepool..
I don´t realy know how to get people to play the league active. New, non experienced players come, get banged by the pros very hard, and leave instant. Maybe you should try to make mirror competition also every season. I think this would bring more and new players to d3cl.

Changing the rules during the season if you find a mistake, is ok in my opinion!

D3CL support & feedback / Re: Rule question
« on: October 01, 2013, 19:38:15 pm  »
How long more or less you need to stay in turets range to restore full life?

You need to count the big dmg reduction that a BT Set Tank uses, and how much dmg you are able to do in 1 shot to him.
Your question isn´t answerable that way.
Anyway this doesn´t change the matter RoGH. I don´t mind if someone stays in a turet if it isn´t a BT set tank.
As usual they got 120+ k life, the guy i spoke about 150 k life. Now do some maths, 2% Brooding, 2% Turet, and lets say 1 k life per sec from items. So when i hit with a good crit for lets say 80 k, he restores it in like 10 sec.

How will you design the rule?
- You can set up a turet, if you are under 30 k life, and can camp there 10 sec and then must leave the healing area?
- You can sit in a turet only for 5 seconds every time, ( that would be 40 k hp in this case )
Who will count the seconds that this guy sits in, who can decide there about rule breaking if he was 8 instead of 5 sec inside?

It´s just bullshit  :) No matter from which side you look at that.
My recomendation is to set up a more specific and simple rule like:

- BT set DH´s are not allowed to use the rune "Aid station" and "Guardian turret".

D3CL support & feedback / Re: Rule question
« on: October 01, 2013, 16:58:52 pm  »
it's hard to prove such style. fraps is a good idea but if someone is not prepared for it, it's impossible to record a match. you need a witness :D

as Rogh said, maybe you should talk to him first?

Forget this mag, i need the answer to my question!  :)

Right now the rule is very confusing.
The healing turet only makes sense if you sit in it, to heal up. So how do we have to understand the existing rule?
= Healing turret is not allowed to use for Dh´s?

D3CL support & feedback / Re: Rule question
« on: September 30, 2013, 23:22:23 pm  »
Hi RoGH,
maybe set up a better defination of this rule? Right now the rule is very confusing.
The healing turet only makes sense if you sit in it, to heal up. So how do we have to understand the existing rule?
= Healing turret is not allowed to use for Dh´s?

D3CL support & feedback / Rule question
« on: September 30, 2013, 22:55:55 pm  »
The Demon Hunter is not allowed to play the “bunker – style”. This style is defined by laying “Turrets” and/or “Spike Traps” and not coming out from the range of these traps.

Just played vs a Dh called "Ryba" in the league. This guy plays a full BT set, Rapidfire, Healing turret.
He sits 99% of the time inside the turret, not coming out from them.
A clear rule breaking isn´t it? What now? What to do in situations like that? I quess there are no active judges :)
Should players use "Fraps" for all matches to have proofs for stuff like that?

Rules & development / Re: Rules proposal for the 4th season - open discussion
« on: September 30, 2013, 22:18:58 pm  »
- The Demon Hunter is not allowed to play the “bunker – style”. This style is defined by laying “Turrets” and/or “Spike Traps” and not coming out from the range of these traps.

Maybe set up a better defination of this rule? Right now the rule is very confusing.
>>>The healing turet only makes sense if you sit in it, to heal up.<<< So how do we have to understand the existing rule?
= Healing turret is not allowed to use for Dh´s?
If yes, rewrite the rule please right now, so that every stupid BT Tank DH can understand it  ;) ::)

Rules & development / Re: Rules proposal for the 4th season - open discussion
« on: September 30, 2013, 14:33:50 pm  »
No one cares about you and you stupid politic... As i see

The only one person, who´s talking non-constructive bullshit here on forums, are you Forti.
Since you don´t play in the league, no one cares about you  ??? ?
Nofear is asking about a buff for WD vs Barb, and talks about balancing Monk vs Barb. Since this is a rule propposal thread, it´s very ok what he says. Promotion is also a very good question, if we don´t want to stay at the down of 10 active players.....
If you don´t have to say something that helps the community, keep closed please.

Sorry Vasil, i can´t help here with a answer, since i play only DH in PvP..
Maybe we should talk ingame with Lelik, Mazarini, Sin about this, and hear what they got to say.
Also if we get more active players, the league should provide playoffs of the best 16! <--- Very important in my eyes!

Rules & development / Re: Rules proposal for the 4th season - open discussion
« on: September 25, 2013, 14:40:50 pm  »
Blizzard - reduce dmg of rapid fire and increase dmg of impale. Vs DH like GTXit i can engage only with ignor pain, other side im dead in 2 sec even with 200k life + 31% elite dmg reduce.

We can wait years till Blizz buffs Impale. Maybe we should work with the curent situation.
I don´t like this Rapid fire gaming, and would be glad being able to play oldschool style again.
What about to weaken the defensive of Barbs a bit more vs Impale? No relentless maybe?
Any other Ideas maybe?

Rules & development / Re: Rules proposal for the 4th season - open discussion
« on: September 24, 2013, 21:00:17 pm  »
I had yesterday a long discussion with Bleed and Error about Barb vs DH.

--->>> What about Barbs that engage a DH only if "Ignore pain" is rdy?
The most just chicken around pillars till it´s up again, then try to set up a rend and chicken again.
We are forced to chase and rush a Barb like hell, eating rends to be able hitting him.
It´s realy a pain in the ass...
We don´t realy would have a problem with this, but the discipline regeneration of a DH 1/s..... is just a joke.
We need it to negate dmg, to chase the barb, to run from the barb..

Any ideas to solve this problem?

News / Re: The third D3CL season final PvP rules
« on: September 24, 2013, 00:40:33 am  »
Thank you Salty, the best response i´ve ever red here! Constructive and without useless heat.
With people like you, we can get this league rolling!

Rules & development / Re: Rules proposal for the 3rd season - open discussion
« on: September 20, 2013, 15:28:28 pm  »
You had 2 seasons to wake up Mag. After the first allready "A ton" of ppl told "Fu" to this league.
In second season NOTHING neccesary changed, after it then the last soldiers of d3cl pvp told "Fu".
It can´t be more worse then it is right now bro.

it was not about the rules, it was about the diablo3 pvp at all. in the first season all players wanted to try pvp. we all know how it looks. it's difficult to balance the rules for rich and poor player. i guess it's not even possible. that's why we have very small number of players. look at vc. different rules (in the past) but is the number of player greater than in d3cl? no. as i said, it's not about the rules.

You are right, but rules are also a part of the problem why much people left.
I personally know much ppl, much dh´s that don´t play because of the rules. They don´t wan´t to smash they keyboards after loosing to some players that are not better, but just are to much favoured by the rules or by no rules.

Rules & development / Re: Rules proposal for the 3rd season - open discussion
« on: September 20, 2013, 15:19:24 pm  »
thx. the problem is that we have no players to discuss here. it means when the league will start, and someone will lose a couple of duels, he will unsubscribe and tell us to fu ;]

You had 2 seasons to wake up Mag. After the first allready "A ton" of ppl told "Fu" to this league.
In second season NOTHING neccesary changed, after it then the last soldiers of d3cl pvp told "Fu".
It can´t be more worse then it is right now bro.

Sorry Nofear, but when i read what you write about DH - WD, i start to smile.
2 Seasons, and 18 weeks of tournaments DH´s had been asswiped by WD´s.
Nobody said something, nobody changed rules to make it fair for DH´s!
After reading your post, it seems for me like this:
DH pwned 1000000000000 times by WD? Ok DH <<<<<---Noob, L2p!
WD pwned 1 time by DH? OH WTF <<<<< ---- We need to set the rules back! Poor WD, DH op!
What about Iria, FoxOnfire, Lornazondiac and more good Dh´s? All say the same thing as i do, all of them lost 99% of their vs WD fights in tournaments!
Thats a fact! <---- Nooobs???

Maybe GTXi is the "Vimer" of the DH population? 560 k Dps, 25 Billion gear. What now? Lets make rules depending on Vimers gear, and Vimers skill!?

Do a separate devision for pro´s who doesn´t need rules Mag!

1. Pro League ( No rules ) Only for kickass players with godly skill and gear. Gods don´t need restrictions!
( Here will compete Barbs, WD´s, Monks and 1 DH called GTXi! )

2. Noob + Average Player league ( With rules, that keeps some balance and fun for the most players )
( Here will play me, and the rest of the idiots that don´t use their class right )

Im out now :) I take a look what happens to the rules, and then i decide if i play or not!

Rules & development / Re: Rules proposal for the 3rd season - open discussion
« on: September 20, 2013, 13:58:01 pm  »
the one that Mnich wrote and then KNHO changed

•   Witch Doctors are only allowed to use either Plague Bats Rune or Hex against Monks
•   In duels versus “Barbarian” is not allowed to use the skill “Firebats” and “Hex”.
•   Witch Doctor are not allowed to use Plague Bats against Wizards
•   Witch Doctor are not allowed to use Plague Bats against Demon Hunters
•   Haunt is only allowed to use with the "Resentful spirit" rune against Demon Hunters
•   Witch Doctor must choose between "Zombie dogs" and "Gargantuan" against Demon Hunters!
•   Witch Doctor can´t use "Blood ritual" against Demon Hunters.

•   In duels versus the “Monk”,”Wizard  and “Witch Doctor” is not allowed to use the skill “Wrath of the Berserker”.
•   In duels versus the “Demon Hunter” the skill “War cry” is only allowed to use with “no rune”.
•   In duels versus "Rapid Fire" - “Demon Hunters” all skills are allowed.

•   In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Cyclone Strike” is not allowed.
•   In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Fists of Thunder" with rune “Thunderclap” is not allowed.

•   The Demon Hunter is not allowed to play the “bunker – style”.
    This style is defined by laying “Turrets” and/or “Spike Traps” and not coming out from the range of these traps.
•   Demon Hunters are not allowed to use Rapid Fire against Wizards
•   Demon Hunters are not allowed to use Aid Station against Wizards and Barbarians

If something is wrong here, and you think some class is hard underpowered now with this rules, give it a try.
Maybe Mag likes to wait 1 day more and listens what you have to say.

Rules & development / Re: Rules proposal for the 3rd season - open discussion
« on: September 19, 2013, 20:14:18 pm  »
Sato, the choice between dogs and gargantua will still remain. Both at once is way to tanky.
Thank you for agreeing my thoughts!  ;)

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Diablo 3 PvP, Diablo 3 PvP

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