I was about to post some long post explaining this but I have no energy to do that, it won't be listened anyway.
Problem is that people look at war cry as only defensive skill. Truth is, barb with unforgiven can spam war cry every 20sec to get enough fury to chase DH.
Without war cry DH can be more aggressive, and when he need's to use preparation he will back off, stop shooting and run away, camp in corners (if DH is not shooting, barb is not getting fury)..Because of that barb has no fury to chase him..In this situation it's either using TS just to get fury without DH around or we are taking more hits.
I've tried few different setup's with Myst, like 35% cc, 207khp 900 res ~10000 armor, and 130khp with 5,5k hp regen on gear with high res, high armor 50% cc and ~380%cdmg...nothing really counters..Smart DH will just stop shooting and drain Barbarian to 0 fury. Cause he can't catch defensive DH.
Now, to kill DH barb need to land ~5+ rend within 45seconds.. why 5? cause it need to be 2-3crit rends to kill DH with preparation, health globe, etc. now that is a joke with good legacy kiting DH

I don't say I'm the best etc.. I would like to see other barbs (Vimer, IownYou, Nofear) dueling with MYSTICAL! Bear in mind he has paragon 30 and -40k dps that normal legacy DH should have.