first of all ill tell you why i got some new gear lately.
i tended to have less ehp/dps/dodge but a TON more lreg.
previous i was on like 2500-3000 lreg but changed that to a more dps/ehp/dodge build with just 1020 lreg atm.
and yes - i somehow miss this lreg.
but imo its not pretty fair from blizzards side - ALL chars got a MUCH better lreg than wizzards - im waiting for some lreg buff for wizzards - so my choice was to get general better non-lreg gear now and hope for a lreg buff from blizzard

my gear overall is pretty decent (still not the best! - i really want to underline this ^^) to the point for balance.
i also prefer ...
- higher mitigation over more hp (lreg + pots benefit from that alot)
- dodge over hp to some point (wanna reach 1000 dex (30% dodge) and keep my current dps/ehp) ... but all over 25% dodge is pretty decent imo
- AVG (!!!) damage over actual DPS - thats due to wizzard skills - theres one pvp skill that benefits from more IAS - Ray of Frost - but this is also just to some point, because with more IAS its costing more AP/sec and u will run out of AP while bursting the barb down)
the MU from my pov:
vs Barb:
the only primary skill thats working good for dmg is Ray of Frost - all other pvp skills deal too few damage to the tank class
in combination with some cc (frost nova + Wave of Force) thats a really good build to burst damage down "quickly".
Matches still take some time

against Rend - Mirror images HAVE to be up to protect u against a rend crit - on the other hand - a non crit rend is pretty harmless tbh
against HotA dodge is the pure winner - its so much better than actual just (e)hp
against WotB ... well ... its pretty luck based somehow
u have to deal damage AND be prepared to always get away as fast as possible.
earlier i played with 2cc's + Teleport (calamity) which worked almost too good against non-wotb-barbs
but VC torunament allows a barb to use wotb against wizzards so i adopted.
my current build is just 1 cc (WoF) and teleport (Wormhole) to get away from an activated wotb.
the luck (or skill too) comes into play that u have to react pretty fast to an activated wotb barb.
u need MI (against rend) + teleport + even Storm Armor (scramble ... for more movement speed ... so u deal less dmg overall) to avoid the barb for 15sec.
conclusion: non wotb is okish (wizzard favored)
wotb its too much favored for the barb
vs DH:
i found a pretty neat build against "low" ehp chars (imo thats ALL other chars than barbs).
a really strong buffed blizzard.
thats Magic Weapon, Familiar + 2sec Blizzard SOJ
in d3cl there arent any healing skills allowed against wizzards which makes the match almost balanced imo (no 4% lreg (healing station + broodling) + battle scars)
but theres another problem which was introduced with 108 - Rapid Fire
Its almost the same as WD bats - the dmg is just too op

vs Monk:
almost same as DH (dex classes) - strong blizzard wins.
i even cut Mirror images for a 2nd armor spell (frost armor - jagged ice) to switch wherever i am
for example ... storm armor whenever im ranged - and if i see the monk coming towards me ill switch to jagged ice so that the monk blows himself off.
in the meantime blizzard is doing very well to keep the monk on range
vs Wizzard:
same ... my new favorite build is a strong blizzard - i will test it further but loving it atm

vs WD:
WD as a class is really OP in general - you all know that, so i dont need to comment too much here.
i didnt have a chance with my new gear and new blizzard strategy to test against some WD - so i cant even say anything here anyway - BUT i think that a high-dps blizzard is strong against WDs too

@ vc torunament yesterday:
well ... there were few ppl participating and i had a non-wotb barb as first enemy - and won ^^
After that i played aginst a DH (who won the tournament btw) and was a bit pissed after the fight
during the week i played some matches against venxosiz who is a really nice guy and pretty decent DH aswell - we had some really good and BALANCED fights - no 4%lreg + no battle scars + no rapid fire ...
well, to come back to the tournament ... against the DH i was playing i almost won the first duel,
BUT he popped aid station and used battle scars and was back to full life REALLY fast.
in addition he used rapid fire --> i was chanceless in the end.
my last duel was aginst nofear (with wotb).
tbh ... nofear is "THE" EU barb with the most willing to play and get experience atm.
we often duel for fun and "training", so we know each other pretty good - also our fights are always even ... the only change in this tournament is ... wotb!
ONE (i repeat ... one) mistake by my side (no images rdy ... teleport not rdy ...) and im dead, because i cant get away from a wotb then - a crit rend (he tends to play rend lately) while wotb is active ... and its over

nevertheless i even won the first fight - so it ended 3-1 for him

conclusion to the pvp in general atm ... i like to play with the few pvp-ppl i know - and its even fun to play VC tournament (even though i lose against good ppl ^^).
but before blizzard doesnt change a thing - i dont think that the pvp community will grow - its just too unbalanced in the end (een though its okish balanced for that that blizz didnt touch a thing!) and theres also some missing features like 2v2, spectator mode, scores, ladders, ...
hm ... got a bit long ... this post ... sry about that and i hope i didnt write too much nonsense, because i wrote what i was thinking without any much structure behind it ^^
still read it twice for spelling errors
