Is 1 problem euro, this items dont exist what you have described 
Yes, but they can exist.
"So now it's a question of where to set the bar for "highest gear level". Is it the maximum possible rolls? The best items that exist? The best or most expensive char of a class? The best items a certain amount of gold can buy?
In my opinion it should be maximum possible rolls. This is the only thing you can count on, best existing items and chars will always change."
Blud and me used legendaries on all but one slot (gloves). There are some slots where rares can be an alternative, but that's similar to rare belt/pants/gloves being an alternative to what Barbs usually use. I don't know if there are WDs right now that are closer to perfection than Vimer, Scorpion is playing for pvp-dummy and at least half of his items on his profile are not best in slot and shouldn't be used vs. Barbs.
You have to look at the char as a whole and can't just do slot by slot comparisons. If you lose hundreds of stats on your weapon, amulet and shoulders (possibly bracers too if not lacunis) it has the same effect as using average legendaries instead of best-in-slot legendaries in multiple slots. What good is it if you gain 40 stats with the best on server 90/90 BT boots compared to common 70/70 BT boots if you lose out on 200 stats on one or more of your rares?
Rares make or break Barbs. Crafts have nothing to do with budget, but without crafts it would be even harder for Barbs to reach their max potential.
You are just making up numbers in your first post.
WDs best skill has 230%+3*65%, how much do rapid fire and wave of light deal again?
How does a 140k life WD have the same survivability as a 16m ehp tank barb? WDs usually don't have more than 1.5m EHP vs. Barbs or 3m vs. other chars if they use tank gear.
If you use Vile Ward as a Barb you give up your advantage of 100 (130) stats compared to dex/int classes. Therefore Vile Ward can never be best in slot for Barbs. It is basically impossible to make up for that loss on other slots because like I said, at the top level you can only get 20 stats here and 20 stats there on legendaries.
"and the items u need for that are mostly rares that u can only craft and that are difficult to maximise" Crafts only have +30 stats on perfect rolls compared to rares. Without crafts it would be even harder than it is now to get good rares.
But this is exactly my point, Barbs are more difficult to maximize. I gave you guys an example of Vimers items, 4 changes for +30% DPS without an EHP loss if you get stats on the level of good legendaries (~85% rolls).
Most Barbs could gain 25%+ DPS from their spear alone if they would switch to one that is on the level of perfection of EFs and Manticores. That alone shows which class has the highest upside right now...