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Messages - Iria

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 8
General discussion / Re: PTR UP
« on: April 16, 2013, 07:08:55 am  »
Wasn't in the notes that PVP was fixed, but they might have fixed it and not mentioned it.

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: April 11, 2013, 21:28:06 pm  »
Yeah, if I see a crit rend, I rush and hope that the Barb doesn't notice and rends me again to possibly overwrite with non-crit lol. While I agree Mystical's style is the more strategic winning style, I like my style better as it decides the match, I don't want to endlessly stalemate.

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: April 11, 2013, 18:59:11 pm  »
Also, let's see if I can summarize Executioner's thoughts on the DH vs Barb matchup:

If DH goes defensive + Barb goes defensive = game is a draw.
If DH goes offensive + Barb goes defensive = Barb has advantage.
If DH goes defensive + Barb goes offensive = DH has advantage.
If DH goes offensive + Barb goes offensive = DH has slight advantage.

So from the DH perspective, a DH needs to go defensive to stalemate or win (or try offensive if Barb is also offensive). From the Barb's perspective, a Barb needs to go defensive to either win or stalemate (the Barb has little choice here as both offensive options can lead to bad situations). So with both sides choosing defensive, the best move is not to play! As for my personal style, I choose offensive (even if I lose) because I want the match to be decided, not draw!

After my duels with Executioner's US gear (not too great but useable), I have to agree that my DH wins when he was more offensive (2h weapon, battle cry, etc.) but was much closer when he was more defensive (shield, shouts etc).

Do you agree Executioner?

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: April 11, 2013, 18:50:18 pm  »
I'm pretty sure even with taking 35% more damage, I will beat most DHs even on the broken PTR :)


I thought only the additional PVP DR was broken, so that Barbs and Monks still had their 30% base DR. Also, is Elite Damage Reduction working?

League information / Re: PTR League formula
« on: April 11, 2013, 18:47:35 pm  »
PTR bugged, Barb's are not allowed to use pants in duel (#YOLO-style) lol.

Jokes aside, I think it is to early for the verdict on Warcry vs no Warcry. I will post my thoughts in the rule thread.

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: April 11, 2013, 09:49:28 am  »
Fun duels Executioner, I fear your real gear once you are able to copy it to PTR lol.

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: April 11, 2013, 03:22:08 am  »
You need to wait at least another 24 hours, Executioner copied his level 16 US barb instead when PTR went up lol.

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: April 10, 2013, 22:10:18 pm  »
Oh wow, I hope they fix it soon!

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: April 10, 2013, 21:45:41 pm  »
How does Mystical fare against higher EHP US barbs like MannerCookie and Zee?

If I am just doing the wrong strategy, then that is my fault and we can unban War Cry. But I would like to understand how to win against this match up without going legacy. I am sorry if I sounded rude but I felt I had no chance against Barbs which use Threatening Shout, War Cry, 180k+ HP, etc. Maybe ban Threatening Shout instead of War Cry? Do EU Barbs use Threatening Shout?

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: April 10, 2013, 19:48:45 pm  »
Also, I am pushing again for a separate rule set for non-legacy DH. I think the class is drastically different depending on how discipline is restored. Some match ups favor non-legacy better (DH vs WD), other favor legacy better (DH vs DH). It seems wrong to bunch the two together when they operate differently and have different weaknesses.

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: April 10, 2013, 19:28:21 pm  »
I thought the War Cry ban was ok. Zee's Barb is so tanky, he just regenerates his HP faster than I can kill him and I have pretty good DPS. Maybe ban all runes for War Cry because the problem for me is not being able to kill Barbs beyond a certain EHP due to the life regen being proportional to their EHP (Inspiring Presence).

General discussion / Re: PTR UP
« on: April 09, 2013, 19:08:23 pm  »
Taking ALL challengers from EU vs. my NA DH


I'll match that with taking all challengers from EU with my non-legacy DH.


General discussion / PTR UP
« on: April 09, 2013, 07:04:39 am  »
As stated in topic:


Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: April 09, 2013, 05:57:26 am  »
So how are the rules going? My issues are now with crazy DPS Wizards (although I haven't faced any in US league, I can speculate that without Companion NOR Battle Scars, I will die a lot lol).

Here are my DH related rule suggestions:

DH vs Barb: Slightly in favor of DH now unless the Barb is in the 30B+ gear range which can match my 10B DH.

DH vs Monk: Too random and luck reliant for both sides. Match is fair but less skill based than other matches.

DH vs WD: I have had no problems but the rules didn't change much in this match up, just no Gargantuans to deal with now. Match seems mostly fair from what I have seen. And also non-legacy DH does a bit better here.

DH vs Wizard: Limited dueling data, but I can suggest either: (1) allow DH to use Companion OR Battle Scars but not both, or (2) ban Storm Armor for Wizard. No one likes a skill-less skill lol.

DH vs DH: Fair in all aspects when non-legacy duels non-legacy or legacy duels legacy. There is a problem with non-legacy vs legacy and simply telling the non-legacy DH to just buy legacy equip does not seem like a fair option. Forcing players to buy a limited quantity set to be successful in PVP is not a good way to spread to a larger fan-base and promote PVP to newer players. Some minor restrictions should be in place for the legacy DH; legacy DH with enough EHP to survive one hit from a non-legacy DH have an enormous advantage because the duel will last long enough to burn the non-legacy DH's discipline leading to a "shooting fish in a barrel" scenario. Perhaps banning Lingering Fog rune for legacy DH could be an option worth considering.

Rules & development / Re: Monk vs Barb balance
« on: April 06, 2013, 04:24:26 am  »
Ask Viri for tips. Viri can beat EVERY barb in US except for MannerCookie, but MannerCookie isn't a barb so he doesn't count, he's a cookiemonster.

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BlackRain , 2006 by Crip
Diablo 3 PvP, Diablo 3 PvP

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